Group A
White Matte Vinyl .004 permanent
White Matte Vinyl .004 removeable
Clear Polyester (Mylar) .001
Group B
White Matte Vinyl .004 suber adhesive
White Gloss Vinyl .002
Clear Polyester (Mylar) .002
Clear Static Cling Vinyl .008
White Static Cling Vinyl .008
White Styrene .012 to .020
Group C
White Matte Opaque .004 permanent
Chrome Silver .002
Matte Silver .002
Clear Lexan .010 no adhesive
White Styrene .030
Group D
Bright Gold Mylar .002
Brush Gold Mylar .002
Brush Silver Mylar .002
Destructible Vinyl
Art to be supplied by e-mail, cds, diskettes, to our specs.
Copy changes in multiples of 250, add $15 net per color
Production time 10 working days.